
The empowerment of women, youth and minorities in Africa is an important and complex topic. There are many challenges and opportunities to promote equality, participation and development of these groups on the African continent, especially in Cameroon. Thus, the empowerment of women in Africa requires improving their access to education, health, employment, property and political rights. In addition, they also face high rates of poverty, violence, discrimination and exclusion.

At the JESUIS Association, we work to empower women in Africa, supporting their leadership, economic empowerment, growth and participation in decision-making processes.

We empower young people in Africa by providing them with opportunities for education, training, employment counselling, entrepreneurial skills and civic engagement to foster a creative, innovative and dynamic force for the future.

We also focus on minorities in Africa. We recognize and promote the protection of children and minorities from all forms of abuse, despite their cultural, linguistic, religious and ethnic diversity.  We denounce discrimination, persecution, displacement and genocide.

JESUIS-Association works for the protection of children through the prevention and fight against violence, abuse, exploitation and discrimination. According to one study, more than 120 million African children are exposed to extreme forms of violence, such as forced labour, early marriage, female genital mutilation, recruitment into armed groups or human trafficking, to name a few. As a result, at JESUIS, we address this pillar  through:

Awareness and Advocacy: Raise awareness about the various forms of violence against children, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Advocate for policies and laws that prioritize child protection.

Education and Training: Provide training programs for parents, caregivers, and communities on positive parenting, child rights, and recognizing signs of abuse. Work with schools to integrate child protection education into the curriculum.

Crisis Intervention and Support Services: Establish helplines, counseling services, and safe spaces for children who are victims of violence. Ensure that there are readily available resources for immediate intervention in crisis situations.

Legal Support: Collaborate with legal authorities to ensure that the legal system effectively addresses cases of child abuse. Provide support for legal representation for child victims.

Community Engagement: Involve communities in the protection of children by fostering a sense of collective responsibility. Encourage reporting mechanisms for suspected abuse and promote community-based initiatives for child well-being.

Collaboration with Authorities: Work closely with law enforcement, child protective services, and other relevant authorities to streamline reporting and investigative processes. Advocate for the swift and fair handling of cases.

Empowerment Programs: Implement programs that empower children with knowledge and skills to protect themselves. This may include teaching them about their rights, building self-esteem, and promoting resilience.

Research and Data Collection: Conduct research to understand the prevalence and patterns of child abuse in specific regions. Use data to inform the development and improvement of child protection programs.

Climate change is expected to make agricultural development in Africa more challenging. Weather patterns are becoming less favorable in many instances, increasing the volatility of crop and livestock yields. The increasingly unpredictable and erratic nature of weather systems on the continent have placed an extra burden on food security and rural livelihoods from flooding to prolonged drought, widespread destruction of farms and homes demonstrate the extent of the threat posed by Africa’s changing climate.

At JESUIS, we advocate and act for sustainable agricultural techniques. We Embrace traditional, local farming knowledge and Traditional Ecological Knowledge passed down through generations among rural communities to improve the sustainability of the agriculture sector. From agroforestry to aquaponics system, using digital or automation, we believe that it’s time to beat the odds by revolutionizing agriculture in Africa! Join us today: donate.

Women, youth, and minorities empowerment as well as child protection are fundamental to the realization of human rights and are critical to the eradication of poverty and the achievement of sustainable development and peace.

At JESUIS, We believe that:

Invest in women’s and youth economic empowerment, social inclusion and protection sets a direct path towards gender equality, poverty eradication and inclusive economic growth.

Focusing on child protection by safeguarding the rights and well-being of children from Protection from Abuse and Exploitation (child labor, child trafficking, child marriage, and all forms of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional violence) is a moral, ethical, and legal imperative.

Ensuring all children have access to quality education, with a focus on eliminating barriers such as gender disparities and disability-related challenges as well as discrimination against minorities will create a better Leader of tomorrow.

We adopt the “Leave no one behind” principle, which is why we work with, and for the benefit of individuals from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds.

Achieve inclusivity for individuals from all aspects of diversity is our main goal.

Join us today to advocate and work toward a more just and equitable world! By Contacting  us or Donate

We believe that the provision of safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene is critical for the prevention and management of NTDs. Populations living in poverty, without adequate sanitation and water, and are in close contact with infectious vectors are those worse affected. We work to ensure collaboration between the WASH and Health sectors, and that WASH investments are tailored towards supporting the prevention of NTDs in endemic areas.


We seek to engage community members, household heads, chiefs and other community leaders on how they can prevent infections or identify and report outbreaks when they occur. Our focus here is more on rural poor communities where these preventable diseases seem to be “normal” to people’s lives. Join us today to prevent NTDs: donate.



Our knowledgeable staff can assist you with many services, including carbon accounting and decarbonization strategy; Project design, implementation and Management; Monitoring, and evaluation; Communities trainings in trending topics such carbon markets, payment for environmental services, business management, sustainable agriculture techniques, and more.

Why working with JESUIS experts for the service?
  • It helps us cope with any Association financial instability.

Financial stability is one of the biggest challenges in the NGO sector. Since we work as non-profit association, the source of revenue is extremely limited. Therefore, the services provided allow us to run our overhead and operating costs as well as empower our beneficiaries.

  • It helps us support the organization’s mission.

The revenue helps to launch and/or implement our programs and continue to support our communities. In any case, you contribute in your own way.


  • We provide you Quality-work.

The JESUIS Team is enthusiastic and dedicated. That’s our culture. We value our partners and communities and listen to their needs to develop tailor-made solutions, fostering productive, respectful, and trusting long-term relationships.


  • We place women, Youth and minorities at the heart of our actions.

It is crucial to embrace everybody’s full authentic self. We are at our best when we are      our own authentic selves. We encourage our teams, partners and communities to use their voice, participate in decision, and feel like they actually belong to the groups.


  • Transparency

We strive to keep you informed of your project every step of the way by taking full advantage of the latest technologies and international Standards.